[ Browse by Service Category : Adult Education : Sub-Topics of Graduation Requirements Programs (7) ]

Adult High School Diploma Programs

Programs that offer a series of courses that are especially designed for adults who have not completed their high school education which focus on life skills necessary for personal and job success. The instructional components in the program include reading, writing, listening, speaking, mathematics, participatory democracy and consumer awareness as well as health, home, personal and family relationships, academic and/or vocational specializations and advanced studies. Individuals who successfully complete the program receive a high school diploma.

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High School Equivalency/CAEC Test Instruction

Programs that provide instruction for adults and eligible minors who have elected to take a series of tests which measure the extent to which they have gained the knowledge, skills and understanding ordinarily acquired through a high school education. Instruction and testing focus on writing, social studies, science, reading and mathematics. Individuals who pass the tests receive a high school equivalency certificate.

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