[ Browse by Service Category : Educational Programs : Sub-Topics of Adult Education (58) ]

Adult Basic Education

Programs, usually offered by community adult schools or as evening classes at local high schools, that provide instruction in fundamental learning skills for adults who have never attended school or have interrupted formal schooling and need to raise their level of education to increase their self-confidence and/or prepare for an occupation. Emphasis is placed on basic reading, language and mathematics to strengthen functional skills in communication, computation and personal-social interaction.

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Citizenship Education

Programs that prepare individuals to take the oath of Canadian citizenship and to exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, in addition to gaining an enhanced understanding of Canadian culture, history, geography and national resources.

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College/University Extension Programs

College and university programs that offer evening and weekend classes specifically for people in the community who are not enrolled as regular students. Some, but not all of the courses, may allow participants to earn academic credit and many may be identical to those provided in regular academic settings. Included may be short courses, exhibits, telecourses, correspondence programs, seminars and institutes.

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Continuing Education

Programs, usually offered as adjuncts to community college, college or university programs, that provide credit-granting and/or noncredit courses for adults who are seeking specific learning experiences on a part-time or short-term basis for personal enrichment, academic or occupational development after they have left the formal education system. The main purpose of continuing education is to improve upon skills that adults already have.

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Graduation Requirements Programs

Programs, usually offered by community adult schools, that provide opportunities for adults and eligible minors who have not completed their formal education to earn eighth grade or high school diplomas or the equivalents.

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Second Language Programs

Programs that focus on development of proficiency in reading, writing and speaking a language or languages other than the mother tongue, that are needed to perform day-to-day tasks. Instruction in the use of basic communication skills is generally included.

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