[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Water Resources Conservation (2) ]

Energy/Water Conservation Improvements

Programs that provide assistance in the form of labour and supplies, cash or tax rebates, or consultation services for homeowners who want to make home improvements that are designed to reduce energy and/or water consumption.

[ View Programs and Services (4) | Related Topics ]

Backyard Conservation

Programs that provide information and guidance for people who want to protect the soil, water, air, plant and animal resources in their own backyards or in outdoor settings at school or work. Included may be tips for improving soil using composting, mulching and other techniques; managing nutrients and pests; implementing water conservation practices; restoring native vegetation; selecting a site for and planting trees for shade and wildlife habitat; establishing backyard ponds or wetlands systems; developing basking sites; and providing feeders, bird baths, nesting boxes, roosting boxes and other accoutrements that attract birds, butterflies, frogs, insect-eating bats and other small mammals to a backyard setting.

[ View Programs and Services (1) | Related Topics ]

Flood/Siltation Control

Programs that are responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of flood control dams, channels, storm drains, debris basins, retention and detention basins, retention ponds, grass-lined swales, pumping plants, spreading grounds and other facilities and structures that control and conserve flood, storm and other wastewater and inhibit siltation of public bodies of water. These programs may also investigate reports of clogged or full catch basins or other problems with the flood/siltation control system, and may offer information about flood, storm and other waste water conservation programs.

[ View Programs and Services (2) | Related Topics ]

Water Supply System

Programs that are responsible for developing, maintaining and operating the system of aqueducts, reservoirs, channels, pipelines, mains, laterals, curb boxes and pumping and purifying equipment by which the community's water supply is obtained, treated, stored and distributed to consumers.

[ View Programs and Services (1) | Related Topics ]

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