[ Browse by Service Category : Community Planning and Public Works : Sub-Topics of Waste Management Services (213) ]
Programs that collect residential or commercial waste products to salvage reusable resources such as paper, plastics, glass or metals.
Refuse Collection
Programs that are responsible for the collection and/or hauling of refuse including the heterogeneous collection of household and business site waste products, garbage, garden trash, animal carcasses and other materials that are regarded as useless and thrown away.
Refuse Disposal Facilities
Programs that operate refuse transfer stations, incinerators, composting facilities, sewage sludge processing facilities, sanitary landfills or other facilities that are used for the disposal of solid waste material. Solid waste may include durable goods, disposable goods, containers and packaging, food scraps, yard trimmings and miscellaneous inorganic wastes from households, some commercial establishments (e.g., businesses or restaurants), institutions (e.g., schools or hospitals), and some industrial sources. It does not include nonhazardous industrial wastes, raw sewage, agricultural waste, hazardous waste, or construction and demolition waste.
Refuse Disposal Services
Programs that provide facilities that are licensed to dispose of all types of residential, commercial and industrial waste products.
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Programs that provide facilities for the collection, treatment and environmentally safe disposal of sewage.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.