[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Historic Preservation (24) ]
Environmental Beautification
Programs that enhance the aesthetic characteristics of the urban built environment and natural surroundings by acquiring and preserving open spaces for public enjoyment; planting trees, flowers, shrubs and ground cover in public places; controlling outdoor advertising signs, billboards and displays; controlling the establishment, use and maintenance of junkyards; developing and implementing anti-litter campaigns; cleaning up nature trails, rivers and streams; and engaging in other environmental beautification activities.
Historical Societies
Organizations that preserve the historical heritage of a particular county, city, township, town or other specific geographic area. Activities include preservation and restoration of historic and archaeological sites located within the jurisdiction; restoration or reconstruction of historical buildings; collection, preservation and publication of local historical material; dissemination of historical information; and promotion of historical work in the community. Historical societies may operate museums, libraries and archives; conduct historical research; study local cultures; and sponsor historical programs and exhibitions.
Redevelopment Programs
Programs that acquire and/or redevelop property in a community with the objective of providing an affordable, safe, sanitary and pleasant place for people to live and work while at the same time attracting private investment in business and industry. Redevelopment programs clear slums and renew or rehabilitate old housing and other structures in blighted and depressed sections of the community, provide for commercial development, offer tax incentives and take other steps to revitalize urban and rural areas.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.