[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Runaway/Homeless Youth Counselling (4) ]
Runaway Prevention Programs
Programs that attempt to reduce the number of children who run away from home each year through a variety of educational interventions which may focus on troubled children and youth, parents, professionals who work with children and families, law enforcement personnel and/or the community at large. The programs may provide information that will help people understand the difference between a runaway child and a missing child, the motivations of a runaway, the types of problems that increase the risk of a runaway (e.g., child abuse, divorce, alcohol or drug use, oppositional or defiant behaviour, antisocial peer groups), warning signs of a potential runaway, communication tips and other steps a parent can take to prevent a child from running away, and community resource options for troubled children and youth and their families.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.